The drain system in your Indianapolis, IN home needs occasional attention to free blockages so that it can flow freely. There are times when backups occur, and it is vital to know why they happen and what you can do about it. If you allow a drain backup to persist, more serious issues may develop over time. As a homeowner, you want to know what preventive measures to adopt and how to deal with a drain backup, so you don’t have to deal with major plumbing problems.

Backed Up Drain Causes

Backed up drains are common and something that many households experience at least once. There are several reasons for drains to back up, and you need to be aware of all of them.

Your household habits are one of the most common reasons for blockages in your drains. Cooking oil and grease can accumulate on the sides of your pipes and solidify over time. As they build up, a blockage develops that can cause your drains to back up. The same is true for food waste.

In the drains of your bathroom appliances, hair and soap scum are common clog culprits. Foreign objects are common, too. For example, if a child accidentally puts a small toy in your toilet and flushes it, this could cause a clog that backs up your drains.

Your pipes can degrade over time. You are more likely to experience this issue if you have older metal pipes. Pipes made of metals like galvanized steel and iron eventually start to corrode, and the inside of the pipes becomes rough. This roughness makes it easier for debris to latch on and accumulate causing clogs. If your pipes collapse or sag, this type of degradation can also negatively affect water flow, causing your drains to back up.

Plant growth and tree roots can affect the outside drainage system of your home. The roots of trees and plants will grow toward a water source, so the moisture in your pipes will attract them. If there are any cracks in your pipes, the roots can infiltrate and cause a blockage. Over time, your drains may back up, and structural damage is also possible.

The slope of your drainage pipes has the be at the proper angle in order for water to flow properly. If the slope is not steep enough, you may get debris and water building up in the low points. Eventually, this will result in a blockage.

Inadequate ventilation is another thing to consider. Ventilation is important for drainage systems because water cannot flow freely without the right level of air pressure. Backups and slow drainage are two consequences of inadequate ventilation.

If you have hard water in your home, there is a higher risk for clogs since the mineral deposits can build up in your pipes. As the deposits accumulate, the diameter of your pipes reduces which restricts the flow of water.

Fixing Backed-Up Drains

When your drain is backing up, the first thing your plumber will do assess your drains to see what is causing the blockage. Next, they will determine if the blockage is complete or partial and if it is affecting one or several drains in the house. This allows them to determine which method will work the best to fix it.

If the blockage is minor, they might use a plunger to remove it. They will ensure that there is enough water to do this and then grab the item causing the clog once they release it. If a plunger is not enough, a professional plumber might use a drain snake. They will carefully insert the snake and rotate it. Once they get a good hold on the clog, they will withdraw the snake gently to remove the clog.

If the drain backing up is due to the P-trap, they will check this and clean it out so that it is free from debris. They will also unscrew and reassemble the connections to make sure they are tight. After this, they will run some water to make sure it is flowing smoothly.

A plumber will also take a look at your roof’s plumbing vents to ensure that there are no clogs present. Since vent blockages can result in drainage problems, it is important to make sure that they are fully clear. This requires climbing onto a roof, and you need an experienced professional to do this since they know how to do it safely.

Preventing Backed-Up Drains

There are things you can do to reduce the risk of your drains backing up. It is important to be mindful of these tasks since they can save you time and money on your home’s plumbing system.

Be careful what you put down your drains. For example, remove food debris and grease from your dishes before you wash them since both can cause blockages. Use drain screens in your bathroom so that you can catch debris and hair before it gets into your drains.

Clean your drains on a regular basis using hot water. Just pour it down the drains to prevent buildup and dissolve grease before it can become a blockage. Avoid drain cleaners since these could actually damage your pipes. If you need anything other than hot water, call a plumber to assess the situation.

Put drain strainers in all your home’s showers and sinks. These will catch a lot of the most common things that cause drain clogs, such as soap, hair, and food.

Only put human waste and toilet paper in your toilet. Never use your toilet to dispose of things like feminine hygiene products, paper towels or cotton balls. These items can quickly cause blockages in your plumbing system.

If you have a lot of trees on your property, know where the roots are located. If any are close to your pipes, call a professional to take care of it so that tree roots do not infiltrate your drains.

Make sure to have your plumbing system inspected and maintained regularly. Ideally, you want to have a professional come out about once a year. They will check out your drains and the rest of your plumbing system. A professional can tackle any cleaning that is necessary to reduce the risk of blockages. They will also let you know about any necessary repairs to keep your drains running smoothly.

Plumbing Professionals in Indianapolis

If the drains in your Indianapolis home are backing up, you need help from a professional plumber. We will thoroughly investigate the source of the backup and let you know what your options are so that we can quickly make the repairs for you. Our team is here to deal with all your home’s plumbing woes. Whether you need help with your water heater or something like a sump pump, our experts are happy to fix it.

Contact Hope Plumbing in Indianapolis today to get help with your drains.

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